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General info
State: Oaxaca
Varietal: Bourbon and Criollo
Elevation: 1.400 - 1,600 masl
Processing method: Washed
The majestic Mazateca mountain range, peaking above 2000 masl, gets its name from its people, the indigenous Mazatecos. Their ancestral production techniques are free of chemicals and the coffee grows in agroforestry among other crops and trees.
Ensambles has set up a regional operation in la Mazateca to be able to buy parchment directly from nearby smallholders, while provide direct feedback and technical assistance in the field.
This coffee was named after the traditional costume from Oaxaca: huipil. The word Huipil has its roots in nahuatl and stands for blouse or embellished dress. The weaving women are the artists behind the design and making of these traditional and beautiful pieces.

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