ensambles cafés mexicanos
Ensambles Cafés Mexicanos is part of the Bios Comunidad Sustentable ecosystem
We are Ensambles Cafés Mexicanos, a leading company in the national and international market for Mexican coffee, specialised in differentiated, specialty, roasted and green coffee. We are building and nurturing a network of Mexican farmers and other supply chain allies that aims to provide prosperity to all stakeholders.
We offer specialty coffee that embody our unwavering commitment to quality, sustainability, equity and social welfare.
Our coffees originate from shade-grown plantations, which promote biodiversity, soil and water conservation, and environmental protection. We also strive for the well-being of communities and families working in these beautiful productive landscapes.
Mexico has a rich coffee tradition, internationally recognised for its extraordinary quality.
"Ensambles makes it visible globally"

At Ensambles, we advocate for conscious coffee.

We are a company with a transformative model in the coffee value chain, bringing the end consumer (globally) closer to value-added products, while ensuring a positive impact at the starting point: the producing families and the agricultural ecosystem.
Our goal is to create a community that consciously, sustainably, and equitably achieves a structure that regenerates, for the common good, the standards of coffee production, marketing, and consumption.
Field training and support
Throughout the year, a team of professionals from the Bios Terra Institute, mostly women, interacts with our network of producers through farm visits, workshops, and field training.
In each state, we have a permanent field technician, some of whom are native to the communities, facilitating communication with coffee farmers, many of whom speak indigenous languages.
Through on-field education, we provide producers with the knowledge to improve their agronomic practices, increase their yields, develop post-harvest management tools (wet processing), and adopt environmentally responsible production systems.

Quality control
During the harvest season, our quality control team, along with field coordinators, travel with mobile laboratories to coffee-growing communities to analyse samples, provide personalised feedback to each producer, and facilitate direct purchases.
This allows us to offer complete traceability by assembling lots based on similar characteristics (moisture content, water activity, physical defects, terroir, sensory analysis, etc.) according to their quality.
We have our own dry mill for microlots where the milling and classification take place, located in Coatepec, Veracruz.

Thanks to our extended network of farmers and local alliances we can source the coffee you need, from half a container up, to be exported to any destination around the world. Please get in touch via the contact form.
Vertical consolidation
We roast specialty coffee for the national market on a 12kg Probat.
We have a network of cafes:
- Café Consciente - Casa Tostadora, in Coatepec
- Cardinal - Casa de cafés gloriosos with two locations in Mexico City: Roma and Condesa.
At our coffee bars, we provide sensory experiences, a wide gastronomic selection, and a catalog of high-quality roasted coffees produced in various states of Mexico, including El Equimite, which has biodynamic certification.